Sunday, October 23, 2011

Its Complicated~

My blog is kinda dead recently.. Juz feel so lazy to come and update :P
Well, life is pretty good lately, busy with uni, church as usual..
This sem is bit special, as it is a short sem, only 7 weeks, and I joined 2 events, incharging of drama and marketing.. Wrote a 'cacated' script, no time to practice and it is only 1 week left till the big day.. =.= STRESS..
Assignments are piling up, tutorial questions not done, presentations, cell group visitations, bible study........
Relax, between problem and God, I choose you, God.. =)

Well, something happened this week.. Some thing about cell member, I was kinda worried at first, prayed for her, and thank God she is now okay :)
Yesterday was a special day, Mei Lin Jie shared in cell group, and Deric Gor shared a really good and encouraging sermon.
It was Chu Ling's birthday too~ We sang birthday song for her after service. Once again, happy blessed birthday gal, and love u lots.. :P

But that is still not a main point.. One of my senior in high school visited my cell group and church. I was really surprised initially, and awkwardly talked to him and invited him to cell group.
Thank God everything end up smoothly.
After that we went for dinner, talked alot, and suddenly I realised that he is sooooo different than what I usually think who he is. He impressed me alot with his stories, and ya, he is a gentleman. =) He treat us dinner, send me bak church to pick up my sentul boys, sent them home and finally drop me home.. I was bit paise actually, ma fan-ing some1 after so long time no see.. =P
But I enjoyed the day with him, a long lost contact senior.

Life is juz toooooo complicated..
Too many decisions to make.....
Too many paths to take......
Help me GOD, guide me the path.
Anyways, God is my priority in life.

p/s: in case someone is reading, juz scribbling around.. :) erase it after u read it n dun ask me anything, juz releasing stress XD

Saturday, October 8, 2011


最近爱上了FT ISLAND 的‘坏女人’。。



